Nepal Fundraiser

Our mission is simple but powerful: to create spaces that spark curiosity, inspire dreams, and foster growth. Libraries have a profound impact on students, offering them a place to explore, learn, and build a love for reading.

Together, let’s nourish minds and foster a love for learning. Your support is the key to brighter futures.

Welcome to the Nepal Club – a community dedicated to making a positive impact in the beautiful landscapes of Nepal. Through various projects and initiatives. From rebuilding schools after the 2015 earthquake to supporting education and meal programs in schools, we actively engage in projects that resonate with the spirit of compassion and progress. 

My sophomore year of high school was the year the Nepal trip was born out of love and the selfless desire to help make a change for others. Yet over the duration of both my excursions to Nepal I couldn’t help but find Nepal changing me. Nothing could have prepared me for the abject poverty and sheer happiness that I would experience during this trip. I learned that being poor does not predispose one to being unhappy. You see candid hardship and struggle yet simultaneously the purest form of happiness. You start to become incredibly grateful for your life and you look at these people not as people who need pity or help but instead as equals who by us working together, can make the world a better place.


The UNIS Nepal Club and trip has had an immense impact on my life in ways I never thought possible. Having the opportunity to support and connect with the children in Nagarkot has fostered a lifelong love for supporting others, teaching and discovering the world. I have truly found a home amongst individuals and a country that was once a stranger to me and the bonds I have created inspire me in every aspect of my life.

Natasha Chalmers

Nepal Club has held a very special place in my heart since the first moment I found out about their work, especially as I am Nepali. I have always believed that education should be an important part of our lives and to experience how our meal plan has provided that for many children in Nagarkot was truly heartwarming. Being able to travel to Nepal, to visit the school and the students were an exceptional bonding opportunity I will never forget. I am hoping to be part of this family for many more years to come and to continue our involvement with the Sanjeevani and Shiladevi schools.”

Slaghaniya Neupane

The Nepal trip afforded me the opportunity to recognize that in order for the students to reach their maximum potential, they must have access to a strong education and an emotional support system. Through participation in Nepal Club, I developed a deep passion for ensuring that young girls are able to exercise their right to a proper education. I hope to continue to develop my understanding of this issue through my studies at university so that I can support young Nepalese girls in the future.

Sarah Blau